Sunday, December 29, 2013

Brisbane, Australia

I arrived in Brisbane yesterday after a 14 hour red eye flight from LAX.  I flew Virgin  Australia, which was awesome, and arrived at 7am on Sunday morning, completely missing Saturday.  Surprisingly, I felt great; not much jet lag and plenty of energy to explore the city.  Since my room wasn't quite ready that early, I dropped my luggage off at my hotel and started walking.  

My first impression is that people are super friendly, the city is easy to navigate, and there are a lot of GIANT spiders.  ðŸ˜³ It does seem a little expensive here, too.  For example, I paid $6 for and iced tea and $5 for a small Gatorade. 

 I'm headed for the Brisbane International Tennis Tournament today and can't wait to see what else the city has to offer while I am here! For now, here are some pictures of the area surrounding my hotel.

    Kangaroo point cliffs

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