Monday, June 2, 2014

Catacombes and Tour Montparnasse, Paris

One of the best views in Paris is from the Eiffel Tower, but another amazing view of the entire city that includes the Eiffel Tower is from the Tour Montparnasse, making it even better, in my opinion.  For $15.00, you can take a high speed elevator to the 56th floor, where there are walls of glass, offering panoramic views of Paris.  You can enjoy a snack and beverage while admiring the scenery at the cafe on this floor.  From there you can take a few flights of stairs to the 59th floor, where an outdoor terrace awaits, offering an even more incredible view of the city.  On a clear day, they say you can see up to 40km in any direction.  There is also a champagne stand and it was a great place to mingle and talk with friends.

Also in Montparnasse are the Catacombes de Paris, underground ossuaries that are home to the remains of 6 million Parisians.  Caverns and tunnels create a 200 mile network in what used to be stone mines.   Today, the area is a museum and attracts hundreds of tourists every day.  The catacombs cover only a small area of these tunnels and the history behind them is quite interesting.  When the 10 century old Cemetery of the Innocents became a source of infection for the locals, it was decided to stop using it and remove its contents.  Under inspection because of some issues with the land caving in under the public highways, the tunnels became the place to transfer the remains to.  The galleries were strengthened with large amounts of stone and many ceremonies took place during the transfers.  Tombs, carvings, statues, and many other artifacts line the tunnels and pile of bones.

For only 8 Euros, this is definitely something worth checking out when you are in Paris.  For me, it was a little creepy and scary, but it was neat to see what is underneath the city.  It seemed never-ending and something I think about all the time now when I am walking around above it all!  Because of the size and nature of the Catacombs, only about 200 people are allowed inside at a time.  This means expect to wait a long time to get in; I waited in a slowly moving line for a little over 3 hours before I was able to begin the 1 hour self-guided tour through the tunnels.  Go before they open to get in line to minimize your wait and don't expect a bathroom or snack - no facilities are available in the museum.  

For more information on the Catacombes, check out their website:

*Tour Montparnasse*


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