Thursday, February 6, 2014

Off the Court: Bay of Islands & Orcas

While in Auckland, I took a day trip to the Bay of Islands.  It was about a 3-4 hour drive by bus and when we arrived, I was scheduled for a boat tour of the area....unfortunately the weather was terrible.  45 mph winds and rain did not allow for the grand view of the area and everyone was given the option to reschedule, but the tour was not cancelled.  This was my only opportunity to be here, so I stuck with it even though the boat ride was extremely rough and all I saw was water crashing over the boat.  Many passengers were sea sick and it looked to be a rather annoying day. 

However, orcas were spotted out the window about an hour into our trip, close to shore of one of the islands.  I did not care at all if I was soaking wet and ran outside to see them.  This made the entire frightening ride well worth it.  There was an entire family swimming all around the boat and underneath it.

I think orcas (killer whales) are so fascinating and it is so rare and lucky to be able to see them in the wild!  This particular boat captain told me they only see them every 3-4 months.  They wee entertaining us for about 30 minutes and the family consisted of a mom, dad, two 2-year olds, and 2 babies.  It was AMAZING!!  

They looked like they were havin so much fun in the wind and waves.  They were eager to play and show off for us I think, which is pretty unusual for orcas.  Normally they are discreet and secretive, always trying to fool you.  

I will never forget this day!  So glad I didn't chicken out and not go because of the rough seas. 

As usual, I have about 600 pictures of this only, but here are some of my favorites:

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