Monday, February 24, 2014

Off the Court: Seal Coast Safari, Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington was my favorite city in New Zealand (of those I was able to see).  It is such a cute place with really friendly people and beautiful surroundings.  

While I was there, I went on a Seal Coast Safari in an off-road vehicle.  It was a small tour and our guide was hilarious.  He called himself a hippie, but was extremely entertaining and knew so much about the area.  He also studied Maori medicine (native New Zealanders) and stopped at several places along the road, gathering different plants and herbs that we were able to eat or use for detox and ailments.  He made us a tea with them too and it was awesome.   I laughed the entire time.  We toured the city at first and then went above the city, with amazing views all around.  On the way to the seal coast, we stopped and saw ostriches and deer, which we were able to hand feed.  

Then we continued to the off-road portion of the trip and made it to the New Zealand fur seal colony.  There were many of them there and we were able to get about 20 yards close to them.  As always, I am enamored with them and love to watch and take pictures of them.  They seem to pose for me!

Afterwards, we were dropped off downtown, where I had lunch and did some exploring.  I would love to go back here some day :)

Our guide feeding the deer.
George the Ostrich.

Some kids jumping in the harbor after school, so fun to watch.
I laughed really hard at the bathroom signs!
Cute restaurant/bar with bean bag chairs.

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