Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pacific Coast Highway: Ventura to Santa Barbara

Today I drove from Ventura to Santa Barbara, here are some pictures highlighting the beautiful drive along the PCH.  Every beach is unique in its own way and dog friendly!

Ventura County Beaches - Surfers and RVs Galore

Stearns Wharf - Santa Barbara

Lobster Tacos and Lobster Bisque, With a View - From Santa Barbara Shellfish Company

A local art show in Santa Barbara, along the Pacific Ocean.  It takes place every Sunday throughout the year and highlights local artists' work.  I found some amazing hand made jewelry and was impressed with many of the painting and photographs for sale.

Sunset in Santa Barbara

One of the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen.  The colors surrounding me were so bold; the mountains behind me turned pink, the sky to the south was purple, and to the north and west were multiple shades of orange, pink, and red. 

Water Skiing at Sunest

Monday, November 25, 2013

Santa Monica Beach & Sunset

After a few days of rain in California, I was finally able to make it to Santa Monica Beach to walk and watch the sunset.  I LOVE Santa Monica.  The cliffs meet the beach here, the mountains are in the distance, the houses along the beach are so unique and colorful, and the endless amounts of shops and restaurants always entertain me.

When I went, the weather was perfect for a sunset, with few clouds in the sky.  It was a little chilly (about 60 degrees), but this meant that the beach felt secluded and so peaceful.  I had to bundle up, but it was the perfect day to relax and enjoy the scenery since the closest person was at least 100 yards away.

Enjoy the pictures below.  I'm pretty impressed with my sunset shots, even though it is hard to capture the beauty and the way you feel when you are there.  The orange, red, and pink hues are so amazing and the colors reflect off of the homes along the sand.