Saturday, April 26, 2014

Campnou Experience - FCBarcelona

Yesterday I went to the FC Barcelona stadium and did the Campnou Experience, which is a tour of the stadium, which included the field, press box, a museum, and more.  I really enjoyed it!  I know FCB is an extremely important club and has meant a lot in the history of football (or soccer as we say in the US). 

Unfortunately, the actual game was away during my stay in Barcelona, but I'm so happy I was able to experience the stadium and think it's something everyone has to do when they visit. 

The tour starts with a museum that takes you through the history of the club and has trophies, jerseys, awards and other things on display.  They even had some tennis stuff from Davis Cup and Charles Barkley's shoe there. 

The tour is at your own leisure and once you leave the museum, you are guided to the stands, the field, the team entrance, and the press box.  Of course, you are able to stop in the store afterwards for any type of gear or souvenir imaginable.

FC Botiga:

Davis Cup racquets:

Carlos Moya's gear:


On the previous day, the former coach of FC Barcelona had passed away and many fans were at the stadium to pay their respects.  Flowers were laid on the steps of the stadium and the screens and field had signs commemorating him:

View from the Press Box:

Chapel near the locker room and player entrance to the field.
Player entrance to the feld:

View from the field:

Outside the stadium:

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