Thursday, April 24, 2014

Marseille, France

Marseille is France's second largest city and is located on the southern coast. Much different than Paris, it is a large port city, with boats all around and views of the Mediterranean.  At the port, there is a fish market every morning and the area is surrounded by tons of shops and restaurants.  It's a VERY busy place and it rained nonstop while I was there.  

Side note, I hate rain!  My feet were wet all day and I'm usually freezing...

I spent two nights here, sightseeing in the rain, but on the last afternoon, the sun came out and I was able to go to the church that overlooks the city for a perfect view.  The shopping here was pretty good too.  The mall was OK, but the boutiques and shops along all of the streets really impressed me.

There are a few forts here and the history and architecture are really interesting.  My favorite site was Fort Saint Jean, where you could watch all of the boats coming in and out of the marina.  Notre Dame de la Garde was also very nice since it overlooks the entire city below, the Mediterranean, and surrounding islands.   

Marseille a HUGE city and has a lot to offer, but I was only able to spend 2 days there so I did not get the best opinion. I can say that, compared to other places in France, it is not at the top of my list.  People weren't as friendly here and the city is not the cleanest of those I have been to; trash was thrown everywhere.  I also felt odd at times walking around alone, not venturing out much after dinner. 

The contrast between modern and historical architecture. 

View from Fort Saint Jean.

Square at the Old Port

Fort Saint Jean from above.

Awesome biscuit and candy shop.

I love this car :)

Old Port Fish Market.

Panoramic View above the city.

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