Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Denver Broncos vs. Jacksonville Jaguars - Sports Authority Field at Mile High

October 13, 2013 - Denver Broncos vs. Jacksonville Jaguars 
Sports Authority Field at Mile High
Denver, CO

When I was planning my trip to the Colorado area, I saw that the Broncos had a home game and I could not miss that opportunity.  I love to experience the atmosphere of different stadiums and get a real feel for fan bases around the country.  Plus, I would get to see Peyton Manning play during this phenomenal season he is having.  I actually arranged my travel dates around this game to make it possible :)

After advice from several locals and staff at my hotel, I chose to drive to the game and park in a lot right outside the stadium.  I arrived about 3 hours before the game, making traffic and parking fairly easy.  There are also convenient park & ride and train options, but when you are traveling alone like I was on this trip, it is best to do what you are most comfortable with.

**TIP: It costs $30 to park at a stadium lot that was safe right on the grounds.  Private lots that were further away and not so trustworthy were charging $50 and $60.

The lot I ended up in was also about 50 yards away from Brooklyn's, the stadium area bar that was recommended to me for pre-game drinks and to watch the other NFL games.  This place was awesome!  It is on the small side indoors, but they have a full bar outside with a beer garden and tailgate food.  There are tons of TVs inside and outside and I was lucky enough to get the last seat at the bar outside.  Colorado locals and season ticket holders were all around and I quickly made friends with several people.   Everyone was really outgoing, friendly, and very helpful, making me feel very comfortable and welcome. The bartenders were extra friendly and remembered my order when I went back later that day!

The weather was beautiful on the day of this game, as you can see in the pictures and my experience at the stadium was great.  The Denver fans were all very friendly and also respectful of the Jaguars fans around.  Although, this may have been because the Broncos were expected to totally destroy the Florida team.....
The game was a lot closer than everyone thought, with the Jaguars leading for a while and a tie game at other parts.  But the Broncos won in the end and I went back to Brooklyn's to meet up with friends I had made before the game and to let the traffic clear.

Overall, a great experience!  It's hard to explain what a great time I had here and how friendly and personable all of the people in this city are.  This was one of the most memorable days of my travel and sporting event experiences so far.  

If you're in Denver, try to catch a local sporting event and mingle with the friendly, happy, and helpful fans of Denver.  A great place to visit :)

Panoramic from my seats - in the end zone, right next to the tunnel to the locker room.  What an amazing view and I was surrounded by friendly and enthusiastic fans!! :)
 Me with the John Elway statue outside the stadium.  They just added this area to the stadium and it commemorates all the Bronco's greatest players.

Me & a new Denver friend - I got a Pink Manning Jersey to remember the experience!

 That day, all I saw was orange in the stands.  

1 comment:

  1. Very Cool and glad you got to see Manning, as Elway still lingers in the minds of CLE fans. :( (especially those of us who got to experience that game) Hahahaha It's awesome to see all of the new friends you are making too, that is my favorite part of traveling, making new friends and always talking with the locals!
    Travel on!
