Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lisbon, Portugal

When I think of Lisbon now, I will always think "colorful."  The multicolored buildings, views of the ocean, and attractive climate make Lisbon a very exciting city.  The choices are endless and as far as cities go, it has everything to offer - historical places, beautiful parks, good shopping, a wide variety of food choices, museum, and recreational activities.

I really enjoyed walking around to see all of the buildings, the trademark trams going up the narrow and steep streets, and numerous plazas with gardens, statues, and historical landmarks.  Generally, the people I met here were friendly and came from all different places of the world. 

Honestly, when compared to some of the other cities I've been to, Lisbon isn't my favorite.  I think it's worth mentioning that the metro is not that efficient, with trains coming every 10 minutes, with really crowded platforms and old, dirty cars.  I was also asked for money and approached to buy drugs more than any other place.  I hate their airport too! :)

This city is extremely beautiful and interesting.  After visiting here for 4 days and as much as I enjoyed the city, I actually prefer the suburbs.  In my next posts, you can read about Sintra and Cascais, two that I visited for a day.


  1. Colorful is exactly how I would describe Lisbon too! I loved all the beautiful tile work and the bright pinks and yellows on the buildings. Next visit you should check out Belem - it's beautiful and bright and the monastery is gorgeous. Gerry and I loved Sintra and the villages in that area - we spent a few days in a little beach town there and it was one of our favorite places we've ever visited. Happy adventures! xo Sarah G

    1. Sarah, I drove through Belem and it looked amazing, wish I was able to spend more time...there is never enough time to do everything :) I went to Sintra too, loved it. I know exactly what you mean!
