Friday, May 2, 2014

Mallorca, Spain (Balearic Islands)

Since Mallorca is only about 100km from Barcelona, I took a super short flight over there for 2 nights to get a preview of the island.  My first observation - the place is huge! I was also confused about what to do while I was there because there are so many options and I wanted to do every single one of them.  Hiking in the mountains to discover secluded beaches, water sports, churches and forts, quaint cities with so many shops and restaurants, boat rides, and the largest club in Europe are only a few.

Mallorca is definitely not the typical island of the Caribbean.  It is so developed and remains beautiful at the same time.  Palma, the biggest city has 400,000 people living in it alone.  There are several other cities and towns to explore while you are there and 2 days is definitely not enough time to do everything you want to.  I saw about 8 cruise ships come in and out of the port too, creating an abundance of tourists.

I would love to go back here with my family or a group of friends on vacation.  Hopefully I get to some day!

Flying in from Barcelona:

Having some tapas at a beachside restaurant. 

Hotel Pools.


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