Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Madrid, Spain

Unfortunately, I only had one day to explore Madrid because I went to the tennis tournament the other two days of my visit.  And of course, they were all good matches and I wasn't eager to skip too many.

I had been to Madrid when I was in college and absolutely loved it, so I was interested to see what it was like for me several years later.  I definitely felt the same way; just walking around there, I feel happy and comfortable.    The architecture in the city is ornately beautiful and the people are so friendly.  I can feel all of the history and culture that it offers those who visit.  The numerous tapas restaurants and dessert shops make it so fun to try little bites of everything.  Plus, Madrid is clean, safe, and has a really efficient Metro system.

I arrived in Madrid very early in the morning and once I got settled into my hotel (luckily my room was ready), I just started walking around the area, which was very close to Plaza de España.  I then walked through the Sabatini Gardens, which are located along the back side of the Royal Palace.  After that, I did a self-guided tour of the palace interior.  For me, this is one of the most beautiful palaces I have seen; the rooms have so much color and gold and the chandeliers in this place make my jaw drop.  Actually, a lot of the rooms in this palace leave me in awe.  I can stand there and stare at every detail for such a long time.  Pictures weren't allowed, so I snuck 1 and have included a few from the souvenir book I bought. 

After my visit to the palace, stopping for some caramellos and macaroons on my way, I walked down Calle Mayor toward the Plaza Mayor.  A grand plaza, tourists and locals combine here to admire the architecture and size of the plaza or relax with friends at the many cafes throughout. 

Next to Plaza Mayor is the Mercado de San Miguel - probably my favorite place in the city (because it involves tapas and drinks)!  I spent the rest of my evening here, walking from stand to stand, trying different beverages and tapas, and practicing my Spanish.  All of the vendors are so busy but always eager to help the customers and recommend what they think they will like.  The possibilities are endless!  Mini burgers, sushi, Spanish tapas, fried calamari, gazpacho, smoothies, and so much more are available. I had the best mojito EVER here with fresh berries taken from the fruit market inside.  I had to go back for a second one because it was so delicious :) 

I hope I get to go back to this lovely city soon!

Plaza de España:

Colorful buildings:

My hotel room number wasy birthday,title things like this always make me happy :)

A dessert shop I stopped at for some treats on Calle Mayor:

Mercado de San Miguel:

Palacio Real de Madrid and Sabatini Gardens:

Palace Chapel:

Calle Mayor and Plaza Mayor:

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