Monday, May 5, 2014

Malaga, Spain

I spent a very short time in Malaga, but it was just enough by to get a feel for the city and spend sometime at the exciting Muelle Uno.  Here, restaurants and bars surround the marina, which showcases megayachts and offers the opportunity to take boat trips around the bay.  It was a lovely atmosphere and a great place for meeting people, grabbing a drink, and having any type of meal you could think of.

The beach right next the marina and city center was so nice with its views of the mountains, houses nestled in the hills, and cruise ships coming in and out.

If I had more time there, I definitely would have taken a day trip to Granada, to Morocco (a short ferry ride away), and a trip to the Straight of Gibraltar.  The Costa del Sol has a lot to offer 

While I was there, I was lucky to see Paul Allen's megayacht, The Octopus, as well as the Azteca, another amazing boat.  The Octopus is incredible!  It felt like I was standing best to a cruise ship - it had 2 helicopter and a submarine attached to's so impressive.  My pictures definitely don't do it justice, so check out this site:

 Muelle Uno Promenade:

Dinner at a lovely restaurant offering Greek, Indian, and Mexican cuisine, with the best mojito I've ever had:


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