Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Great Barrier Reef, Whitehaven Beach & Helicopter Tour

Yesterday and today I visited Whitehaven Beach and the Great Barrier Reef.  I can honestly say in have never seen something so amazing.  Whitehaven Beach will never leave my memory.   I took a boat/snorkel/hiking tour of Whitehaven Beach yesterday and cruised out to the Great Barrier Reef today and flew back to my hotel via helicopter.  On this trip, I was able to see the GBR, Whitehaven, and the Whitsunday Islands from the sky.  Definitely and amazing d possible once jn a lifetime experience.

I chose to scuba dive for the first time today too!  I'm in Australia, where better to do it for the first time??  I was sooo incredibly nervous but my guide held my hand until I got comfortable.  

I did soooo many new things today it's ridiculous!!! So cheers to doing new things.  Check out my pics below.  It's hard to capture the natural beauty here, but I did my best! Enjoy! 

My hotel balcony view!
Whitehaven Beach from Hill Inlet walk. 

Whitsunday Islands
Instead of squirrels picking through the trash, they have these!!  Hilarious.

My ride!

Hamilton Marina

Heart Reef

Great Barrier Reef 

My scuba friend. 

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