Sunday, January 5, 2014

Off the Court: Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane

Before the men's singles final in Brisbane, I took a boat down the Brisbane River to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.  You can take the bus or a taxi as well, but I think that the Miramar Cruise to the park is definitely the best option.  The cruise teaches a lot about the history of the city and has great views of the city and surrounding suburbs.  The Miramar Koala Cruise was $57 and included your ticket to the park.  It was definitely an economical choice, as a taxi can be $50,the bus $12, and your ticket $35.  

The park was an amazing experience.  I was able to pet and feed kangaroos and see baby, or joey, kangaroos and koalas.  They have koala cuddling opportunities and have  120 koalas living here.  Other Australia wildlife such as crocodiles, wombats, Tasmanian devils, a platypus, and dingoes were also in residence here.  Great morning adventure!

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