Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Off the Court: Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days, have had very little cell service and no wifi! What a challenge... :)

I have lots to catch up on!

First, I have to tell you about my trip to the Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium.  This was only a few blocks from my hotel and they are the only place that has the subarctic penguins.   They also have seahorses and sea dragons (all of which are my favorite animals).  

I spent about 2 hours there, which was plenty of time and I spent most of it just watching the penguins.  The have gentoo and king penguins in the same habitat and they are AMAZING!  You can do extra experiences with them, such as feeding and going into the habitat with them here, but I chose not to this time.  Just watching them and their playful nature was enough.  They were showing off;  swimming around as fast as lightning and playing around with the small kids around the glass.  I always want to take one home;  they are so adorable.  

The staff were feeding the penguins when I was there and they were all so excited, following him around, while others were climbing to the highest spot to watch everything.  

They also have a seahorse nursery, where pregnant seahorses are on display and you can feed and get up close and personal with them.  

The main tank with several types of sharks, sting rays, large fish, mana rays, and much more was incredible.  They had scuba experiences going on in there and the variety of animals was so cool.  All of them are so entertaining to watch and it feels like you are right next to them.  

The saltwater crocodile they had there amazed and frightened me so much.  He was ENORMOUS - his tail alone was bigger than the gators in my yard in, I will not be swimming in any more water in Australia (or Florida since they are there too!)

Here are some of my best pictures:
Sea horse
Sea dragon
Gentoo penguin 
King penguin
Feeding time
Penguin kisses

Saltwater crocodile (he wouldn't fit in one camera shot)
Tree frog
Lion fish 
Sting ray smile

Scuba experience with the sharks

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